ClickRSVP’s High Sender Scores Deliver Email Success (Return Path Study)

According to Return Path’s newest benchmark study, higher Sender Scores correlate with increased inbox delivery for all email marketers. For financial institution marketers, the good news is that, even with an average Sender Score of 89, they still enjoy a 94% inbox delivery rate, tied for the highest among all verticals.

The better news for ClickRSVP’s clients: the combined Sender Score for our sending servers average a stunning 98.4. This puts our delivery metrics among the highest in the industry. It’s no wonder that ClickRSVP clients enjoy consistently solid campaign success. 

The study – available at – was based on more than 4 trillion messages from 17,000 senders in 2016. It analyzed:

  • average delivery rate
  • impact of complaints, spam traps and “unknown users” (hard bounces)
  • average inbox placement rate at Microsoft, AOL, GMail and Yahoo 

The study concludes that senders in the 91-100 Sender Score band enjoyed an average of 87% inbox placement, compared to 79.25% for the 81-90 band, and 75.75% for the 71-80 band. Drop-off in inbox  placement varied the most with Gmail. Other factors, such as subscriber engagement, also contribute to inbox placement. (This is covered in a separate Return Path study)

ClickRSVP, which serves more than 130 U.S. financial institutions, has been a  Return Path certified sender for nearly 10 years. That, combined with a dedicated account team that understands permission-based marketing best practices, helps clients achieve maximum customer reach, without impacting sender reputation.